Larisa Shrestha,

Larisa Shrestha,

Non-Res Tutor
Larisa Shrestha,
Hello, Pfoho! My name is Larisa, and I am so excited to come back to the house as a non-resident tutor. I was a first-gen student at Harvard where I studied Neuroscience and graduated in 2022. I'm originally from Nepal, but Pfoho was my home for the past three years. I met some of my closest friends and mentors in the house, and I am so thrilled to continue to be connected to Pfoho. During my time at Harvard, I spent several years doing research in neuroscience and psychology. This was my first time being involved in academic research, so if you have any questions on how to get started with research in college, I will be very happy to help you navigate it. In college, I started out as a pre-med and then switched to academic research for my career pursuit, but eventually landed in healthcare consulting. 

Outside of work, I love to cook, read, journal, and make different tea and coffee drinks. I look forward to connecting with all my old and new Pfoho pfriends and be a helpful resource for anyone who's interested in careers outside of academia. I am also excited to help people navigate the tricky world of recruiting and consulting interviews. I'm always down to have a conversation over tea, and I can't wait to connect with you all!

Advising Area

House Role