Daniel Frim

Daniel Frim

Resident Tutor
Folk & Myth, Religion
Pfellowships, Writing, REST
Daniel Frim

Hello, Pfoho! It is a tremendous honor to be part of this House with you, especially now as we return to campus, revive our old customs, and begin to pass down new ones.

I grew up north of Chicago and graduated from Harvard in 2014 as a Folklore and Mythology concentrator. Now, I’m back as a PhD student under the Committee on the Study of Religion. My interests vary widely among topics such as late antique Jewish magical traditions, indigenous languages and oral literatures of western British Columbia, Old Icelandic sagas, and Spongebob Squarepants. I also really love to explore New England, from the neighborhoods right around Pfoho, to Boston, to more far-flung stretches of coastline. If you’re ever looking for someone to discuss a new idea with or to share a piece of music with, I am absolutely game.

I owe a lot to my experience as a Harvard undergraduate, and I want to help everyone feel at home and able to grow at Pfoho. Please do not hesitate to come to me for support or advising on any issue. I truly welcome the chance to talk with you.

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