Angela Ma

Angela Ma

Resident Tutor
Pfellowships, Performing Arts
Angela Ma headshot

Hi Pfoho! I'm Angela. I'm so excited to return as a second year tutor this year and meet many of you (finally in person!).

I graduated from the College in 2018, where I spent most of my time hanging out in the dining hall, dancing in the ballet company, and exploring economics & computer science. I'm now a fourth-year Ph.D. student in business economics, working on research questions in behavioral economics, household finance, and corporate finance. Formally, I am apart of the the Pfellowships, Performing Arts, and Economics teams, but I hope that we'll meet, no matter what you're interested in!

In my free time, I love drinking coffee (a little coffee with my cream & sugar), walking everywhere, singing, dancing, and meeting new cats & dogs. Please reach out anytime--I'm looking forward to getting to know you and learning what you love to do!

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